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  1. yeah : ( 3 inches off this tuesday.

    i'll probably cry.
    but its fucking dead. and has to be done. SHOULD be more then that, but ill just have them layer it or something so i can keep it real long.

    im pathetic.

  2. 3 inches! i never thought i'd hear those words come from you haha. if the ends are dead, you may as well cut them off. i'm sure it'll look great!

  3. hahahaha I KNOW. it's very shocking. but i think it grows pretty fast. so heres hoping. can you believe. you knew me when it was SHORT SHORT. i always forget i've known you SO LONG. it comforts me :)

    day of fun soon?

  4. bermmmmmmmmm i havent been on in so long. oh i have been working long days. i really would liek to put up some interesting things. i like your summer planning :)
